Monday, November 11, 2013

Home Staging Helpful Hint #2 - Depersonalization...It's Just Not About You Anymore!

Your home is your comfort zone and it is filled with all of your personal memorabilia, but to the buyers those personal touches represent a huge distraction. People are generally curious and when you want them to notice the beautiful entryway, they may be focused on all the family pictures on the piano or all the “stuff” stuck to the front of your refrigerator.  Your objective is to change the view of your home from “lived in” to “ready to move in.”

Admittedly, it may be difficult to think about packing away your most cherished photos and that paste encrusted noodle art creation your child proudly brought home from school. Even though it might sting a little when a Realtor suggests you remove the very things that make this “house” feel like your “home”, you must focus on your main goal…making this “house” irresistible to buyers!  

So, what are you waiting for?  Oh, that’s right…you’re waiting on a great offer!  Get a head start on the packing you’ll need to do anyway and those buyers will begin to envision your “house” as their next “home”.