Monday, March 31, 2014

It's my pride and joy...are you telling me it has to come down?!?!

Animal mounts…people usually have very strong opinions about them.  Some love to stand around them and reminisce about the thrill of the hunt that landed such a fine specimen while others are simply uncomfortable staying in the same room with them as they are haunted by visions of an orphaned deer they once saw in a movie as a child.  Either way, that mount is stealing the buyer’s attention from what we want them to be focusing on…the HOUSE!  

You have plenty of options of what to do with it, place it in storage, send it for a cleaning or loan it to your jealous hunting buddy who never seems to bag one of his own; just make sure that your passion for hunting isn’t creating a speed bump to your quick sale!

 If you're thinking about buying or selling a home, make our website, your first stop or give us a call at 515-432-8872.